What Should You Do With Those Benjamins?

Truck Drivers: 5 Retirement Planning Tips For Life On The Road

18 May 2021
 Categories: , Blog

As a truck driver, you undoubtedly like being able to call your own shots and set your own schedule. Wouldn't you also like to look forward to a retirement that allows you to also call your own shots and set your own timing? Unfortunately, the nature of truck driving can make this difficult. To help you achieve your retirement goals, here are a few key steps to take.  1. Envision Your Retirement Read More …

Holistic Financial Planning Can Keep You Better Protected

19 March 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Traditionally, financial planning involves coming up with a large financial goal that is supported by smaller goals. This process is sufficient for some people, but not everyone. A problem this process presents is that it often leaves an individual vulnerable. For instance, when a person meets their financial goal, they may discover that they did not properly plan for the tax implications it presents.  As a result, they end up owing a significant amount of money, which eats away at some of the money they amassed. Read More …

Keep Your Financial Data Secure With Password Manager Software

16 December 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you run any kind of financial planning business, you of course deal with a wide variety of client financial data on a daily basis. Your company likely already takes steps to ensure that this data is protected, but there's nothing wrong with continuing to look for additional solutions that could boost your security even further. To that end, one possible solution you may want to look into would be to start using password manager guru software. Read More …

5 Ways To Avoid Temptation To “Time The Stock Market”

9 October 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Making money in the stock market isn't always easy. Many investors, both new and experienced, attempt to boost profits by "timing the market." This strategy — trying to buy and sell at just the right moments to get the best price or sell before things take a downturn — is often futile and may even make returns worse. So how can you avoid the temptation to "time the market?" Here are a few key things to do. Read More …

Be Sure To Avoid These Small Business Accounting Mistakes

14 August 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Managing a small business takes a lot of work and it requires you to make many big decisions in our daily life. When it comes to finances, it's easy to make mistakes as a business owner. You want to do everything that you can to minimize the chances of making mistakes, especially financial ones. This way, you're not stuck in a difficult financial situation. Here are some small business accounting mistakes that you'll want to avoid: Read More …

About Me
What Should You Do With Those Benjamins?

So, you're earning plenty of money. You should be happy and secure, right? Unfortunately, not everyone in your position is as happy and secure as you would hope. There is more to money than simply earning it. Once it is in your account, you need to manage it well. A financial planner is a professional who can help you with that. They can help you choose the best savings accounts, investments, and retirement saving strategies for your unique financial situation. Here on this website, we give you an up-close look at the world of financial planning so you can feel prepared to dive in. Read and learn.
